All-round discrimination in the cities of eastern Kurdistan

According to a brief report by the Kurdish Human Rights Population, the discrimination practiced in eastern Kurdistan is not only about increasing unemployment and execution, and the killings of carrier and mines, and the victims of the people and the overall security of Kurdistan, but also in recreational facilities It is also obvious.

The current examples of the city of Sanandaj, with a population of about 414,000 people and the center of Kurdistan province, lack the city of play. Another example is Mahabad, with a population of 147,238 people and a lack of cinema. While Mahabad had two cinemas before the revolution and about 40 years ago, the Mahabad Games City has also collapsed because of its non-standardization many years ago and the abundance of dead ones Laid down to close.

The city of Saqez also has its fate as Mahabad.

The lack of cinema in the city of Ivan is another example in the second largest city in Ilam province with a population of about 70,000 and the highest unemployment rate that was called the Shah Garden before the revolution due to abundant gardens and fertility and the highest rate of groundwater aquifers. Due to the deep wells for Ilam petrochemicals and the misplaced planning, all of the country’s groundwater table has dried up and is not news of the previous fertile gardens.

The city has the highest rate of suicide in Iran, with a combination of 100% currencies and 95% literacy and the lowest budget in this city, meaning that about one third of the dead have lost their lives by committing suicide. It is strange that until the last year there was no cinema in the province of Ilam, which is the most deprived province of the country, and only Ilam’s cinema has become a parking lot and this year, cinema has been opened. The facilities of the city of Ilam have not been standardized and have been plagued about a month ago. This is a corner of discrimination in the recreational facilities of eastern Kurdistan.


Kurdistan Human Rights Association