The number of civil activists arrested in the past month reached 114 persons
The latest report has been received to the Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) e.V. that the number of civil activists arrested in the past month reached 114 persons.
With a countrywide arrestation campaign by both IRG intelligence and intelligence agencies of Iran’s government, the regime committed unlawful action either according to its constitution or International Human Rights norms, because the people who have been arrested maintained in unknown places with prevent to have access to a lawyer.
According to article 169 of criminal procedure, all suspected individuals should be arrested with the judge’s permission which none of these individuals were arrested with such approval.
Second, based on articles 125, 124, 2, 141 of criminal procedure, breaching individual properties and searching their entities should be accomplished with court permission, which intelligence forces have ignored these articles.
Third, In article 5 of the criminal procedure insisted, should inform the suspect person why he/she has been arrested, and within 24 hours, intelligence forces should establish a lawsuit in the court. This article has not been applied to these individuals.
Forth, In the article 7 and 8 of Iranian Citizenship Rights declaration torture is forbidden and detainees must not be under torture and disrespectful behaviours that these individuals have been under physical and psychological pressure from day one.
Many times, the constitution of Iran insisted that an arrested person has to have access to his/her lawyer from the beginning and in the investigation process as well. Still, these articles have broken about these activists.
The Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) had reached some of the families of detainees; they reported that while their children are maintaining in the unknown facilities after several attempts to contact officials, numbers of families have talked with their children.
It is considered that families who have talked with their children over the phone have been forced to speak Persian, which their mother tang is Kurdish.
These operations from day first were against all internal and external law and Human Rights deceleration. The Kurdistan Human Rights Association condemned it and calls to all Human Rights organizations and institutions across the globe to not be salient.
According to the latest reports and KMMK center of statistics, the names of detainees are as below:
Mehabad: Oman Abdi, Hasan Abdi, Sorani Hasanzadeh, Soran Mohammadi, Amir Bayezidiazar, Darya Talebani, Shepol Khzri, Salar Rahvi, Afshin Mam Ahmadi, Sirwan Nouri, Farzad Samani, Soran Omerzadeh, Asrin Mohammadi, Sohaib Badrouj, Arastou Molarahimi, Soran Mahamadi.
Bokan: Mostafa Ilkhanizadeh, Aziz Naseri, Hosein Gardeshi, Qader Rasoulpour, Mohamadhaji Rasoulpour, Ali Zolfi, Hosein Mehrabani, Heresh Rasoulpour, Fuad Mohammadi pour, Fariba Ahmadi, Rojin Mohammadpour,Reza Mohammed, Farhad Zandi, Ata Rahmanzadeh, Sardar Mohammadpour, Azime Naseri, Mahyedin Shame, Hamed Rasoulpour, Ayoub Rasoulpour, Hosein Rasoulpour, Edris Haji Rasoulpour, Salah Haji Rasoulpour, Sirwan Mohammadpour.
Nexede: Abdollah Hajahmadi, Payman Hajahmadi, Gelawej Abdollahi, Also Mohammadi, Omid Salimi, Rahim Salimi, Rahman Daryazi, Diyako Zardashty, Taleb Raihani, Rahman Ebrahimi.
Piranshar: Rasoul Lawaze, Karim Khalifani, Hesamadin Khzri, Pshtiwan Nani Zargatan, Mahyedin Shame, Mohammad Amin Ahmadi, Rahman , Salam Khalifani.
Merivan: Zaniar Mohtamedi, Sirwan Karimnezhad, Keywan Minouie, Karo Alidad, Jebbar Pirouzi, Selman Edwaie, Sherko Paahou, Dana Samadi, Adel Perwaze, Feramerz Mohammadi, Vian.
Sne (Sannadaj): Aram Yousefi, Aram Moradian, Kamel Nouri, Shirwan Amini, Amir Rezaie, Abdollah Asal, Jamil Ahmadian, Mahmoud Mahmoudi, Roia Jalali.
Krmashan: Asrin Yazdanipour, Nazenin Atabaki, Malihe Moradi, Samira Farahnaki, Elham Yazdanipour.
Sewlawa (Serwabad)/ Hewraman: Siamak Mansourpour, Faraidoun Adwaie, Akram Adwaie, Fardin Adwaie.
Rebet: Bahman Yousefzadeh, Ferhad Mousapour, Faraidoun Mousapour.
Seqz: Ata Rahmanzadeh, Kerim Khalifani, Efshin Elahi, Babak Babaei,
Ilam: Ayoub Salehwarzi
Pawe: Said Khaledi, Abolkarim Farhadi, Said Sajadi, Sadi Valadbaigi
Shno: Salim Sharifi, Jamal Qasemi, Shafih Shexe, Jamal Nehali, Shorsh Berhem, Jobrail Shahbani, Loqman Taheri, Ghafour Espandar, Faisal Aliabadi, Wahed Sheixmohammadi, Fardin Bayezidi, Rasoul Qzelbash, Aziz Qadertaj, Awat Mohammadpour, Hosein Mohammadpour.
Kurdistan human rights Association