Fired 106 municipal employees in the City “Ağrı” North Kurdistan
Kurdistan Human Rights Association : (Musa Aichen) Agri Governor Turk city in northern Kurdistan who appointed her to the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the municipality of Agri works, 106 employees dismissed from office.
Musa Aichen on the 22 May by the Ministry of Interior Turkish government to replace the joint secretary of the municipality Agri in northern Kurdistan who had been dismissed to their state appointed employed by the verdict of the number of employees has fired .
The report goes on to excuse dismiss the employee, as the municipality is calm And despite the fact that the questions raised by the employees is that they are irrelevant find peace municipal?! Do things that comfort me Here we have or Justice and Development Party (AK Party)?!
During the coup dummy Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan (AKP) in Turkey, many citizens of North Kurdistan on unfounded grounds and dispose of human rights or imprisoned or out of work and government agents to replace them, and in this way control imprisonment predominantly Kurdish mayors, elected representatives in the House (Selahattin Demirtaş, Feigen Yvksdagh, etc ..) as well as teachers and staff layoffs Kurdistan areas are North Kurdistan.
Kurdistan Human Rights Association