Destroyed more than 50 shops in “Nanaleh” Sanandaj by municipality

According to a report received by the Kurdistan Human Rights Association and quoted by news agencies, Islamic Republic of Iran, Director of Enforcement municipal Sanandaj in East Kurdistan, destroyed 50 shops unauthorized area, detached town “Nanaleh” and said: In the last week more than 60 shops had been constructed through unauthorized construction, was demolished by order of judicial authorities.

Last week ruling by judicial authorities authorized the destruction of 13 illegal shops on the main road and the presence of judicial authorities and police were Nanaleh, the destruction of these shops was conducted.

The report said that most of the land is located on the main road separate area of public lands and national lands is part of the city.

It must be said that according to one of the shopkeepers reporting Human Rights Kurdistan, the municipality, in cooperation with the security forces in recent weeks to destroy shops, many citizens have made and the action took place after the goods shopkeepers under the rubble of the destroyed buried by municipal vehicles were taken to an undisclosed location.

The shopkeepers also said that while the municipal Sanandaj attempted to confiscate the lands that the letter of promise sales have gone up and say the government land, but this is not true because the land in this direction, there are farmland which are due to dryness road construction is not cultivated by the owners is sold years ago.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association