Great #Tehran_prison is on the verge of a great disaster
According to the information received from a reliable source inside the prison of Greater Tehran to the Human Rights Association of Kurdistan, on October 16, 2022, by the order of the head of the prison, Fashafoyeh was surrounded by the security forces, protection and prison guards, and this prison has faced a great humanitarian disaster. .
The mentioned source mentioned; The prison guard has stormed into the cells on several occasions and beaten the prisoners.
In this connection, on October 18, 2022 at 15:50, the prison guards attacked the rooms of Brigade 5 and destroyed the TVs of the rooms, the prisoners’ belongings, beat and terrorized and threatened the prisoners with death.
The prison officials have cut off the water, electricity, gas and telephone of this prison on several occasions, and with this act, they have tried to create terror and make the prison environment more secure.
Simultaneously with the transfer of a large part of the Evin prisoners to this Fashafuyeh prison, it has caused crowding of the prisoners in the halls and worsened the existing conditions.
Due to the overcrowding of prisoners, the medical and pharmaceutical facilities are far less and the sick prisoners are deprived of access to medicine and sent to medical centers.