The Assassination Case of Eqbal Moradi is Still Open and We Want the Killers to be Tried
While honoring the memory of “Eqbal Moradi”, a leading member of this organization, on the anniversary of the assassination of this leading member, the Kurdistan Human Rights Association announces that his case is still open and the murderers have not been tried. Therefore, we want a answer from the authorities of the autonomous government of South Kurdistan, identify the terrorists and solve the assassination case of this human rights activist.
Eqbal Moradi, a former political activist, human rights activist and member of the leadership of the Kurdistan Human Rights Association, the father of the executed political prisoner “Zaniar Moradi” and the uncle of another executed political prisoner “Luqman Moradi”, who took part in the struggles of Kurdistan political parties since his youth.
Eqbal Moradi was threatened with assassination many times and was the target of assassination attempts, and finally he was assassinated in one of these assassination attempts.
The mentioned son and nephew were also sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran in an open case and then executed.
While reminding and condemning the terrorism of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kurdistan Human Rights Association wants the autonomous government of South Kurdistan to quickly determine the responsibility of this assassination case and the perpetrators of this crime.
Several years have passed since the assassination of this human rights activist and member of the leadership of the Kurdistan Human Rights Association, the judicial and governmental authorities of the South Kurdistan Region have not announced any announcements or news regarding the resolution of this case, the status of the case, and the identification and trial of its perpetrators.
Kurdistan Human Rights Association, while honoring the memory of Eqbal Moradi, considers the Islamic Republic of Iran as the cause of this terror until the results of the investigations of the South Kurdistan government are determined and announced.
Kurdistan Human Rights Association