Re- mine explosion cause a Kurdish citizen from Sardasht in east Kurdistan was injured

According to the report by Kurdistan Human Rights Association, on Thursday 6 July 2017, a resident of Qasema Rash district of Sardasht in eastern Kurdistan,  the shepherd 37 years old, named Manaf Sanaei in one of the ranges in the region due to the mine blast from the Iran-Iraq war from both feet were seriously was injured.

The citizen was transferred to the Sardasht hospital, but was transferred to the hospital in the city of Orumieh due to the severity of the injuries.

It should be noted that according to the report by Kurdistan Human Rights Association , in the past 18 months, 19 people have been killed and 70 have been injured due to a mine blast from the Iran-Iraq war in eastern Kurdistan. It is worth considering that in this connection more than 70,625 hectares of cultivated land and the East Kurdistan pastures are identified with mines and there is a risk of their explosion, while after 30 years of the war two countries mentioned, each The fate of the citizens of Kurds is the victim of the consequences of this war.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association