Execution of three prisoners in Qazalhasar Karaj


On Thursday, October 19, 2023, the death sentence of 3 prisoners named Vahid Kakavand, son of Diyali, Fathullah Rashnu, son of Akbar Khan, and Yazdan Azizpour, son of Shirvali , all three people from Lorestan province, who were previously sentenced to death on drug-related charges, were sentenced to death in Ghazalhasar prison was conducted.

According to the reports received by KMMK news center, these 3 prisoners were transferred to the solitary cell of Ghazalhasar prison on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, and their sentences were executed on Thursday morning.

It should be noted that, until the moment of preparing and publishing this news, the execution of these prisoners has not been announced by government officials and domestic media affiliated with the Iranian regime.