The Final Resolution of the Conference: The Policy of Execution in Iran

The different nationalities in Iran have not been able to get desired results, despite their continuous struggle for democracy, freedom and acknowledgement of their identities. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of an unified as well as a lack of democratic front that could reassure an assembly of nations and liberation forces. Iran has lacked the necessities to enable such unity among their political organizations during three decades of struggles, despite all their common grounds in cultural, social and historical aspects. While there has been a resistance against various political, religious, national, sexual and economic injustices, simultaneously a cultural massacre has been committed towards these different nationalities, requiring the need to find a common platform in their struggle that could result in a cooperation between liberal organizations. Against all the policies of division and rule, suppression, intimidation, imprisonment and execution, the only remedy is undoubtedly a “democratic union”.

Ever since then uprise of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the process of execution, imprisonment and violation of human rights have increased. The Iranian regime has tried to build a barrier against liberal ideas by means of imprisonment and execution, that indeed are the biggest crimes against humanity. In fact, in this way, Iranian regime has tried to erase the problems instead of solving the issues, and all of this in order to save and maintain its power. The executions have not only increased the political, social, cultural and economic problems but also in itself generated deep crisis within all dimensions.

On 21 May 2016 a conference was held with the cooperation and initiation of Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) and Ferzad Kemanger Foundation. Various parties and organizations participated in this conference and discussed political, legal and security aspects of the policy of execution by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its effects on society. In addition, the human rights situation in Iran and policies of Iranian regime against the nations of Iran were discussed and finally participants reached to common points to confront them.

Speakers of the conference included:

  • Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)
  • Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz
  • Balochistan Human Rights Group
  • Lawyer and human rights activist – Sahar Mohammedi
  • Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK)
  • Free Women Society of Eastern Kurdistan (KJAR)
  • Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN)
  • Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK)
  • Zagros Youth

Programs and activities:

  1. Establishing joint campaigns such as abolition of execution, freedom for political prisoners, education in mother tongue and resisting cultural massacres.
  2. Announcement of common position against the anti-nation and fascistic policies such as cultural massacres, religious-ethnic divisive policies, oppressions, arrests and executions.
  3. Social media alert against the policies of execution, humiliation, discrimination, denial, physical and cultural massacre that are being committed towards the nationalities within Iran.
  4. Establishing a joint committee from all nations of Iran for an implementation of practical measures in order to fight against various ways of discrimination, violations of human rights and execution.
  5. Using available regional capacities and channels for recovery of damages that the nations suffered by special war specially execution, oppression and for the improvement of relation between nations (particularly during the last 100 years)
  6. Efforts to end the silence of European countries regarding the inhumane policy of execution in Iran and seek the support of European media, authorities and politicians in the campaigns against execution.
  7. Establishing common institutions from nations, opinions and parties in order to open diplomatic doors with other democratic forces and states against Islamic regime of Iran.
  8. Investigations of the crimes of Islamic republic of Iran especially its warcrimes against nations of Iran.
  9. Preparation to hold an academic conference about Multi-National Iran: A democratic Iran.

Conference Organising Committee

It should be noted that the population of the Kurdistan Human Rights Association participated in the second panel of the conference and present some information about the violations of human rights in eastern below,

Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) e.V.
