Kurdistan once again said no to I.R.Iran and demanded his national rights

The Kurdistan Human Rights Association respects the boycott of the Iranian government by people of Kurdistan and considers the non-participation and rather decisive participation of the Kurdish community in this colonial and occupier system as a practical referendum in order to determine the destiny of this nation.
Official government statistics and field observations of constituencies show that, the vast majority of East Kurdistan society boycotts the elections and the colonial system of the Islamic Republic and doesn’t consider itself part of it.
The Iranian government hasn’t able to increase the turnout to 50% by compiling statistics and rigging the exact number of people participating. According to official Iranian government statistics, only 48% of eligible voters participated in the election and 52% boycotted it. But field evidence shows that the maximum turnout was less than 30 percent.
In East Kurdistan, the maximum turnout was 20 to 25% and at least 70 to 75% of the Kurdistan community boycotted it. This shows that the society and people of East Kurdistan don’t consider themselves part of this government and political geography and It demands the right to self-determination and the attainment of its national, political, social, economic and cultural rights.
The Kurdistan Human Rights Association believes that the people of Kurdistan, once again, like the referendum of this government after the fall of the Pahlavi regime, said no to this system and government, and this election was in fact a referendum that the people of Kurdistan firmly want to achieve and be recognized. Your rights have been met.
The Kurdistan Human Rights Association, while congratulating the people of Kurdistan, calls on the political parties and organizations of Kurdistan to pursue this demand of the people of Kurdistan more seriously in their activities and political programs, to join the international community in realizing the national rights of Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) e.V.