The Kurdish Human Rights Situation Report in May 2020

This is KMMK’s monthly report, May 2020, on the human rights situation in eastern Kurdistan. This report summarizes key human rights issues on events during May 2020, including executions, detentions, torture and suicide. Data is collected from several sources of KMMK, including direct reports.

This report does not include every issue and event. The absence of an issue is due to  resource limitations, restriction to access to the country,  the availability of information, and silencing independent voices, civic and human rights groups by the Iranian government.

In May 2020 Iranian government continued its disregard for basic human rights by discrimination, illegal detention of Kurdish citizens, torture, shooting merchents and closing off any possibility of organized political activities that are not fully aligned with its propaganda.


In May 2020, no executions have been officially reported.

Imprisonment and illegal detention:

In May 2020, at least twelve Kurdish civilians were detained by Iranian security forces and Sepah’s intelligence organization. Most of the detainees were arrested without any clear accusation and without court order.  It has been reported that the detainees have been beaten and tortured by the security and intelligence  forces.

First nameFamily nameAgePlace of detentionDateAccusation
AbdulahAdavaiUnknownSarwabadUnknownArrested by Sepah´s intelligence organization
TareqRahimpourUnknownSenneh (Sanandaj)05.05.2020Unkown
BenjaminRahimpourUnknownSenneh (Sanandaj)05.05.2020Unkown
EdrisGallehdariUnknownSenneh (Sanandaj)10.05.2020Unkown
ZaniarNourmohamadiUnknownSenneh (Sanandaj)10.05.2020Unkown
YousefEbrahimzadehUnknownShino (Oshnavieh)22.05.2020Unkown


Kolbar (Kurdish: کۆڵبەر‎) is a worker who is employed to carry goods on his/her back across the borders. Most Kolbars live in eastern Kurdistan and they come from the poorest regions in the area. Kolbars are mostly considered illegal and have no insurance, retirement plans and unions.

In this month several Kolbars have been shot directly by Iranian border forces, Turkish border forces and Sepah’s forces and as a result thirteen Kolbers died and twenty four badly wounded.

     Died  Kolbars:

First nameFamily nameAgePlace of incidentCause of deathDate
Mahmud Moradi22Hangajaleh – BanehDirect shooting by Iranian armed forces03.05.2020
MohammadEbrahimzadehUnkownNoukan – KanizardeDirect shooting by Iranian armed forces03.05.2020
Loghman GushezadehUnkownBile Sure XiwarDirect shooting by Iranian border forces09.05.2020
KeyvanKosariUnkownBanehFalling from a clif09.05.2020
Kamram Molannia32SardashtDirect shooting by Iranian border forces12.05.2020
Aram Moloudi25Shino (Oshnavieh)Falling to river and drowning17.05.2020
Bahram YousefiUnkownGhatur borderDirect shooting by Turkish border forces17.05.2020
SafarIlafkan37Shino (Oshnavieh)Direct shooting by Iranian armed forces20.05.2020
GhaderYadsare21Budand borderDirect shooting by Turkish border forces23.05.2020
ArsalanAhmadiUnkownSumay-ye Beradust borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces24.05.2020
Kamram GulanUnkownSardasht borderDirect shooting by Sepah forces25.05.2020
Mohsan Darvishzadeh26Eland borderDirect shooting by Iranian armed forces29.05.2020
EbrahimJourdizaj28Eland borderDirect shooting by Iranian armed forces29.05.2020

Wounded Kolbar:

First nameFamily nameAgePlace of incidentCause of injuryDate
SadiqAhamadiUnkownChaldiran Direct shooting by Iranian armed forces03.05.2020
MansourChahargushehUnkownBile Sure XiwarDirect shooting by Iranian border forces09.05.2020
Maysam MohammadiUnkownBile Sure XiwarDirect shooting by Iranian border forces09.05.2020
NozahUnkownUnkownHewramanDirect shooting by Iranian border forces15.05.2020
UnknownUnkownUnkownHewramanDirect shooting by Iranian border forces15.05.2020
RezaSarshiriUnkownVakil villageDirect shooting by Iranian border forces17.05.2020
Manafe’HasanzadehUnkownVakil villageDirect shooting by Iranian border forces17.05.2020
BehzadRamazaniUnkownVakil villageDirect shooting by Iranian border forces17.05.2020
ShamsadinOmarpourUnkownBorder in north westDirect shooting by Turkish border forces17.05.2020
SalarUnkownUnkownNowsud borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces21.05.2020
KeyhanUnkownUnkownNowsud borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces21.05.2020
ZakaryaUnkownUnkownNowsud borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces21.05.2020
MohammadAminiUnkownNowsud borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces21.05.2020
MansourUnkown30Beytoush villageDirect shooting by Iranian border forces22.05.2020
BakhtiyarUnkown32Beytoush villageDirect shooting by Iranian border forces22.05.2020
UnknownUnkownUnkownBudand borderDirect shooting by Turkish border forces23.05.2020
UnknownUnkownUnkownBudand borderDirect shooting by Turkish border forces23.05.2020
UnknownUnkownUnkownBudand borderDirect shooting by Turkish border forces23.05.2020
Rudan AhmadiUnkownSumay-ye Beradust borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces24.05.2020
Turan AhamadiUnkownSumay-ye Beradust borderDirect shooting by Iranian border forces24.05.2020
Kamil GohariUnkownPiranshahr BorderDirect shooting by Sepah forces29.05.2020
KamalGohariUnkownPiranshahr BorderDirect shooting by Sepah forces29.05.2020
Rasul ChapalkUnkownPiranshahr BorderDirect shooting by Sepah forces29.05.2020
AliKhezrzadehUnkownBanehDirect shooting by Iranian armed forces30.05.2020

Suicide and self-immolation:
In May 2020 at least six individuals mainly women committed suicide and self-immolation.

First nameFamily nameAgePlaceReasonDate
ShilanShabrang16HewramanFamily problems03.05.2020
ZeynabKudaki11IlamPoverty and unemployment07.05.2020
AsgharKhosravi25RavansarPoverty and unemployment18.05.2020
MofidehHoseinnejad18SaqqezFamily problems – family pressure for marriage 24.05.2020

Wounded by landmine explosion:

In May 2020 at least two individuals badly wounded by landmine explosions.

First name
Family nameAgePlaceDamageDate
BehruzBagheri30GhalawezanLeg injuries – he is part of Iranian armed forces and injured during work 07.05.2020
MohammadSalehi46BanehLeg injuries 15.05.2020

Killed merchants

In May 2020 at least three Kurdish merchants have been killed by Iranian armed forces and Iranian Police.

First nameFamily nameAgePlaceCauseDate
Sina MamsalimiUnknownSaqqezDirect shooting by Iranian Police22.05.2020
Hadi GolabiUnknownBorujerdDirect shooting by Iranian Police29.05.2020
BehzadSalehi18KermanshahShot and killed by Iranian armed forces – smuggling suspensions 19.05.2020

KMMK encourages Kurdish people in eastern Kurdistan to practice their basic human rights and to report to international institutions and to the world, the discriminations and violations of human rights by Iranian regime.