Women and Kurds and Sunnis do not have the right to get the position of minister in the Islamic Republic

In a news story about the Kurdistan Human Rights Association, quoted by the Zeytoun News Agency as saying in an interview with Dr. Sadegh Ziba Kalam: the Islamic republic has been criticizing the arrival of women, Kurds and Sunnis as ministers.

In this interview, it has been criticized for not being part of the ministers during the life of the Islamic Republic (except for a minister’s wife in the Ahmadinejad’s cabinet), and that the answer to this critique is a ruthless debate that among these Women and Kurds and Sunnis are also well-educated and worthy people. Among the ministers, there have been many abusive men and Shiites who have been involved in power structures for decades.

This is while more women and Sunnis vote for the presidency. It should be remembered that this issue and systematic discrimination even exist in the choice of lower positions, such as the governorate, governor, presidents and other officials.Why is the governor of Sanandaj, an non indigenous person appointed by the Rouhani, and in the case of the Rouhani, has not come up with a decent native of the indigenous people and despite the highly educated people among the Kurds, they are deliberately discouraged from choosing them in power centers will be avoied.

Another example is the election of a non-native governor in Mahabad, which, despite the abundance of indigenous educated people, does not choose them. The fact that women in Sunnis and Kurds are subject to double oppression is also a case that is against human rights.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association