Killing the young from Marivan with a shoot a gun

According to a report from the Kurdistan Human Rights Association watch eyewitnesses from Marivan in eastern Kurdistan, on Monday 10 July 2017, near the sunset a Kurdish young from Marivan called Saman Roushenas was murdered. According to eyewitnesses, two unknown individuals who were been riding a motorcycle on the Taleghani street, the city of Marivan, him from village of vailah Marivan Sarshiv region killed with hunting gun shoot.

According to the report, the assassin of this young person was introduced to the “Danial Kiahi” affiliated with the son of Haji Amin Kiahi. However, until now, there is no reliable information on the cause of this crime, but it was said that family and social issues involved in the murder of the young Merari Have been involved.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association