Wretched situation of women prisoners in Orumiyeh Central Prison

After the report of the Human Rights Network to Kurdistan Human Rights Association is reached, the prison of Orumiyeh least 7 female prisoner named : Arasteh Ranjbar, Nazdar Vatankhah, Tahmineh Danesh, Frideh Hasanpour, Sheler Khosravi, Zeinab Skanvand and Somayeh Ebrahimzadeh charged with first degree murder in retaliation convicted and sentenced all of them in the Supreme Court confirmed there is every possibility of their execution.

The report stated the position of women prisoners in central prison of Orumieh because of the large number of prisoners and at the same time a severe shortage of basic health facilities for health care, living in extremely alarming.

The report suggests that in the prison and in special section for women, 200 female prisoners are due to lack of space adequate, all the prisoners in a large lounge coupe small walls divided the live, usually in each of the compartments 30 are detained with 16 beds in fact, women prisoners have no place for sleep and rest.

It is worth mentioning for 200 prisoners only five bathrooms, which a few months time the two bathrooms in general is unusable, as well as in the ward three bathrooms without hot water that prisoners have no hot water bath. Very worrying that in the women’s section of the prison, for not being able to cook food, prisoners are forced by inadequate food and no quality Prison feed, that this approach leads to severe consequences, of various illnesses is that the health of prisoners into questioning.

It should be noted, that the number of 5 children with their mother in prison due to lack of health and terrible and tuberous situations of prison, these children are at risk of gastrointestinal diseases and skin.

It is obvious that the the head of and other officials Orumiyeh Central Prison of the lack of basic health facilities and nutrition are aware, however, no action to solve these problems and shortages will not run.

According to the report, women and children imprisoned in this section are not in appropriate status, and therefore are at risk of physical and psychological diseases.

Kurdistan Human Rights Association